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The articles of association

§ 1. Name, seat, business year

1) The association bears the name ALLIANZ FOR DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES (AEI)

2) It should be entered in the association register. With the entry he has the suffix "eV".

3) The seat of the association is Tübingen (August-Lämmle-Str. 2, 72127 Kusterdingen)

4) The business year is the calendar year.

§ 2. Purpose of the association

1) The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code.

2) The purpose of the association is the promotion of development cooperation and the promotion of international attitudes, tolerance in all areas of culture as well as international understanding between Germany and Gambia.

3) The purposes of the statutes are realized in particular through development projects such as equipping schools with the necessary educational materials and through vocational training measures in Gambia. Cultural and general information exchange in the form of educational trips.

4) The association will build bridges between the Gambia and Germany in the sense of promoting new and further developing existing projects in the Gambia in the areas of ecology, education and training.

5) The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue economic purposes. The association's funds may only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive payments from the association. No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration. Members have no claims to the association's assets when they leave.

6) The board of directors works on a voluntary basis. The general assembly can resolve an annual, reasonable flat rate remuneration for board members.

§ 3. Membership

1) Any natural or legal person can become a member of the association.

2) The application for membership in the association must be addressed to the board of directors. The board decides on admission.

3) Membership ends with death, in the case of legal persons with their expiry, resignation or exclusion.

4) The resignation must be declared to the board in writing. It is only permitted with a period of two months to the end of a calendar year.

5) A member can be excluded from the association if they have grossly violated the interests of the association or if they are in arrears with at least an annual fee of more than six months. The board decides on an exclusion. Exclusion due to default in payment must be threatened in writing with a period of three months; otherwise, the person to be excluded must be given the opportunity to comment before the decision is made.

6) The person concerned can lodge a complaint against the rejection of admission and the exclusion from the association within one month of receiving the decision. The next general meeting will decide on the complaint. The appeal against the exclusion has suspensive effect.

7) The general assembly can appoint any natural or legal person who has rendered outstanding services to the association as an honorary member. § 4. Membership fees A monetary amount is levied from the members as a regular annual fee. The general meeting determines the amount and due date. Honorary members do not have to make any contributions.

§ 5. Organs of the association The organs of the association are the board of directors and the general assembly.

§ 6. Board of Directors

1) The board of directors of the society consists of four to six people, namely the 1st and 2nd chairman, the treasurer, the secretary and up to two assessors.

2) The association is represented in and out of court by two members of the board. By resolution of the general assembly, the board members or some of them can be wholly or partially exempt from the restrictions of § 181 BGB.

3) The board is elected by the general assembly for two to five years. The board members remain in office even after their term of office has expired until the new board has been successfully elected. If a member of the board leaves during the term of office, the board can appoint a substitute member for the remaining term of office of the departed member.

4) Only association members can belong to the board. The combination of more than two board positions in one person is not permitted.

§ 7. Responsibility of the board of directors The board of directors is responsible for all matters of the association that are not assigned to another organ of the association by the current statutes. In particular, it has the following tasks:

  • a) preparing the general meeting and drawing up the agenda,
  • b) calling the general meeting,
  • c) executing the resolutions of the general meeting,
  • d) managing the association's assets and bookkeeping,
  • e) drawing up the annual budget and annual reports,
  • f) passing resolutions on admission and exclusion of members.

§ 8. Resolutions of the Board of Directors

1) The Board of Directors makes its decisions in board meetings or in writing.

2) Board meetings are to be convened by the 1st chairman or, if he is unable to do so, by the 2nd chairman in text form or verbally (by telephone) with a notice period of one week. It is not necessary to announce an agenda. The chairman of the meeting is the 1st chairman, if he is unable to attend, the 2nd chairman. In addition, the chairman of the meeting is elected from among the board members present.

3) The executive board has a quorum if at least two members are present. It decides with a simple majority of the valid votes cast. In the event of a tie, the chairperson's vote decides. The quorum of the board does not require that all board positions are occupied.

4) Minutes are to be kept of the board meetings, which should contain the place and time of the meeting, the names of the participants, the resolutions passed and the voting results. The protocol serves as evidence.

5) A board resolution can be taken outside of a meeting, orally, in writing, by email or by other means of electronic communication if all board members declare their consent to the resolution.

§ 9. General Assembly 1) The General Assembly is responsible for the following matters:

  • a) Election and dismissal of the board members and the cash auditor,
  • b) Resolving changes to the statutes,
  • c) Resolving the dissolution of the association,
  • d) Determining the amount and the due date of the annual fee ,
  • e) Resolving complaints against the rejection of an application for membership and against a resolution of the board of directors to exclude members,
  • f) Appointment of honorary members,
  • g) Approval of the budget and receipt of the annual report and other reports from the board,
  • h) Discharge of the board.

2) Once a year, if possible in the first quarter of a year, the regular general meeting of the association takes place. Further (extraordinary) general meetings are to be called if the interests of the association so require or if the calling of one tenth of the members is requested in writing by the board of directors, stating the purpose and the reasons.

3) Minutes are to be taken of the resolutions of the general assembly, which are to be signed by the chairman and the secretary. The secretary is the secretary; if he is unable to attend, the assembly appoints the secretary. The minutes should contain the place and time of the meeting, the number of members present, the person of the chairman and secretary, the agenda and the resolutions passed, including the type of vote and voting results.

§ 10. Convocation of the general meeting

1) The general meeting is to be called by the board with a notice period of two weeks. The convocation takes place in writing to the last address given in writing by the member, stating the agenda. Members who have given the association an e-mail address can also be invited electronically by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address last communicated in text form, if the member has not communicated otherwise in text form. The notice period begins on the day following the sending of the invitation.

2) Each member can request that further matters be added to the agenda at a later date. If such a request is received in writing by the board at least one week before the day of the general meeting, the agenda must be amended accordingly at the beginning of the general meeting. If it is received later or if it is only asked at the general assembly, the general assembly decides on the admission.

§ 11. Resolutions of the general assembly

1) The general assembly has a quorum if at least a quarter of all members of the association are present. If there is no quorum, the board of directors has to convene a second general meeting with the same agenda within one month. This second general meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of club members present if this is indicated in the invitation. The general cargo regulations apply to their cargo.

2) The general meeting is chaired by the 1st chairman or, if he is unable to do so, by the 2nd chairman. If the 2nd chairman is also unable to attend, the assembly appoints the chairman of the assembly from among the association's members. In the case of elections, the chairmanship of the meeting can be transferred to another member of the association or an election committee for the duration of the ballot and the preceding discussion.

3) Each ( honorary) member has one vote in the general assembly. The chairman of the meeting determines the type of vote. However, the vote must be carried out in writing if at least a quarter of the voting members present at the vote so request.

4) Unless expressly stipulated otherwise in the current statutes, the general assembly passes resolutions with a simple majority of the votes cast. Abstentions count as votes not cast. However, a majority of three quarters of the votes cast is required for: a) changing the statutes, b) dissolving the association, c) approving subsequent requests to add to the agenda.

5) The provisions governing the passing of resolutions apply accordingly to elections. The chairman of the meeting can determine that several offices to be elected are to be voted on in one ballot. However, if no candidate reaches an absolute majority in the first ballot, the election must be repeated. If no candidate achieves an absolute majority in the second ballot either, a simple majority is sufficient in the third and subsequent ballots. If no candidate reaches a majority after at least three ballots, the chairman of the meeting can determine that the lot decides.

§ 12. Cash management

1) The treasurer has to keep accounts of the cash transactions and to prepare an annual account.

2) The annual accounts are checked by two auditors who are elected by the general assembly. The provisions for board members apply accordingly to their election, eligibility and term of office. The audited annual accounts must be submitted to the general assembly for resolution.

§ 13. Dissolution of the association

1) The dissolution of the association can only be decided in a general meeting called for this purpose.

2) If the association is dissolved or if tax-privileged purposes cease to exist, the assets of the association shall be transferred to a corporation under public law or another tax-privileged corporation for the purpose of promoting development cooperation and promoting international attitudes, tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding .

Established on April 13, 2018, amendment / addition from July 5, 2017

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