Establishment of a medical technology supply and procurement system for health facilities in The Gambia.
The project aims to install a sustainable and self-sustaining system of medical technology supply in Gambian health facilities as a prerequisite for better health care for the population. The focus is on the establishment of a reliable and strategically functioning medical technology system that identifies the medical needs of Gambian health facilities and puts them into practice with the support of the AEI association, which is registered in Germany. The focus is on establishing longer-term supply processes to avoid unused technical know-how. The equipment in the hospitals in The Gambia is incomplete and often not functional. Repairs cannot be carried out because spare parts or the financial means to procure them are lacking. At the same time, there is a lack of qualified and trained staff to maintain existing equipment. The result is unused medical potential. The efforts of many committed associations, institutions and private individuals to provide care and support are thus reduced to absurdity. In order to build up a sustainable and demand-oriented supply process, it is necessary to consider the three dimensions: Procurement and logistics, establishment of a centrally controlled medical technology structure, and training and instruction of users in the use of medical technology devices. Only when all three wheels mesh together is a sustainable and future-oriented medical technology supply possible. Ultimately, the intention is to establish a self-governing system that will stand on its own financial feet in the medium term and act in a way that meets demand, is professional and makes ecological sense.