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Members of the Association

1. Chairman AEI Germany

Mr. Nfally Jarju

1. Chairman AEI Germmany

Mr. Amadou jallow

International contacts

Mr. Morro Ceesay

Finance and Treasurer

Ms. Aissatou Jarju

Medical technology

Mr. Saikou Suwareh

Education in Gambia

Mr. Kemo Jabbi

layout and graphics

Mr. Arne Frohn

Cloud and Hosting

Mr. Richard Dvorak

member of the association

MS. Monika Mondello

Medical technology

MS. elke Seelmann

Pharmacy and school

Mr. and Mrs. Dodou und Lena Sanneh

Medical technology

MR. volker Seelmann

Jattaba Project

Mr. and Ms Sarjo Marong

member of the association

Mr. Vincent Seelmann

member of the association

Ms. Mund

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